Aruba Female

Saturday, September 19, 2009

NEW Traffic safety Community Project!

In November 2009 we will have another community project, this time focused on the TRAFFIC SAFETY AWARENESS! There will be an event especialy for this community project, still to be announced publically. Stay tuned for more information abut this awesome project!

Board of Directors 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

It Takes a Community to raise a Child

JCI Aruba Female organizes annually a community project. The primary purpose is: awareness and action towards different topics, regarding topics that are a taboo in our society and is being ignored, remains a secret or simply that nothing is being done about it to make a change. This year JCI Aruba Female is looking forward to aware the community about the serious issues/taboo that are truly affecting everyone in this community with concerns towards the young children and youth. These issues are:
- Early sexuality: youth STD’s, Incest, juvenile parenthood, sugar daddy’s – and mommy’s and also about the consequences of early juvenile sex in the future
- Increasing juvenile crime: Gang, assault, battering, theft, alcohol abuse and drugs and the consequences about juvenile crime for the youth involved
- poverty: children with no clothes, no food and no schooling
- Increasing Drop outs and no schooling

The name of our community project is: “It Takes a Community To Raise a Child”
With the community project of this year , the committee is planning an awareness week for 30 juveniles at the YMCA San Nicolas. In this awareness week these 30 juveniles will receive educational and fun activities to inform them about the issues mentioned above that could be harmful for their futer. These 30 youth children will be chosen by the YMCA together with JCI Aruba Female. Besides the awareness week the committee will also give a helping hand to the less privileged children in our community, in order to act towards the issues of poverty mostly among the younger children. The committee has chosen, with the help of active foundations, five children between the ages of 6-12 of families living in humble situations, from all six districts of Aruba. For this beautiful action plan against child poverty in Aruba, the committee has approached the CMB bank and is looking forward for a conjoining work to help these children.
The awareness week will be held in the week of 3rd to 7th of August 2009. The organizations/foundations that will be part of this project together with JCI Aruba female are:
Ø CIAD: with information about drugs among youth and gangs in Aruba by Rene Ridderstap

Ø Kinder & Zeden Politie : with information about criminality among the youth

Ø Telefon pa Hubentud: with information about youth problems

Ø Fundacion Respetami
Ø Wit Gele kruis

Ø Fundacion Desaroyo Educativo

Ø You got talent :Directed and produced by Mr. Jeancarlo of the excite crew)

This community project certainly accomplishes one of the missions of JCI Aruba Female; that is in the area of opportunity community. Help, aware and make a change in the community of Aruba with concerns towards the children and youth.
The sources that backup the reality facts of our research before the conclusion of the issue/taboo topic points of the community project , are: Kinder & Jeugd Politie (KZP), CBS, Telefon pa Hubentud (THP), CIAD, Famia Plania , Directie Sociale Zaken (DSZ), Fundacion Sostenemi, Wit Gele Kruis and Directie Besmettelijke Ziekten (DBZ).

To formulate our purpose and finalizing our community project plan, the committee made a qualitative research among above mentioned organizations. The target was to collect enough information about the children of Aruba, both target age groups (6-12 and 12-18).

After an intensive desk – and field research the committee has come to a few crucial issues that are truly affecting the children of Aruba which are becoming worse and increasing on a daily basis. These Issues are categorized as:
Youth category {12-18}

Ø increasingly school drop outs: high school
Ø increasing juvenile crime : theft, violation/armed assault, crimes, battering, gangs, drugs
Ø sexuality : incest, pregnancy, sexual transmitted deceases (STD), alcohol and prostitution

Young children category {6-12}

Ø increasing amount of non-schooled children: primary school
Ø living in poverty : no food, no clothes, no school materials
Ø sexuality: incest, sugar daddy’s – and mommy’s, pregnancy and sexual transmitted deceases (STD)

The goal of the community project is to give the community of Aruba information about the increasing issues mention above among children and youth.

Our goal is to have an awareness week for the youth together with the different organizations in combination with activities to entertain the youth during this week. Our goals is also to help the young children who are in need of clothing, school accessories, food, love and warmth by giving them a helping hand with basic and school supplies on the last day of the awareness week in august. Hopefully we can continue with a community awareness campaign in written and through the media in the near future.

Project Leader: JCI Noemi Maduro

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Feria "Duna un Man pa Yuda Nos Muchanan"

JCI Aruba Female has organised one of the biggest fundraising dedicated to help the children of Aruba. In the month of July the fundraising committee has planned a big fundraising fair especially for the children and youth. The fair was purely about fun, games, entertainment and much more! The name of the fundraising lead as " Duna un Man pa Yuda Nos Muchanan" meaning, "give a hand to help our children"

The fundraising committee worked very hard to acquire the people who will provide the fun, gaming and entertainment to participate at the fair. It was all a great success!

The members of the fundraising committee are:

JCI Giandra de Cuba as project leader, JCI Ethlyn Thokaai as secretary, JCI Loufran Tromp as treasurer, JCI Darlene v/d Biezen as vice treasurer, JCI Twyma v/d Biezen as Board officer in charge, JCI Norma Rodrigues as the advisor and fellow committee members JCI Zuleika Boekhoudt, JCI Noemi Maduro, JCI Clarette Quandus and Mrs. Altagracia Baly. The committee members have delivered posters, handed out flyers, they have updated the JCIAF website , the jciarubafemale face book site and some have even visited the children at school dressed up in Disney characters and they also recorded two radio spots that was transmitted through almost every radio station in Aruba. It was a lot of fun and each and every member of the committee has learned a lot on how to organise big activities such as public fundraising.

The purpose of the fundraising project was to raise money for the chapter of JCI Aruba Female and also for a big community project for the month of August. The main goal of the fundraising project was to give all children of Aruba the chance to enjoy their first weekend of summer vacation with their family and friends, by playing games, winning prizes, watching shows and socializing with other kids at the JCI Aruba female fair.

It was a beautiful project. However, on the weekend of the fundraising fair a sudden hurricane weather approached the island of Aruba which ended all the fun for many organizations including JCI Aruba Female. On the stormy and rainy Saturday the 4th of July 2009, the fair for children was cancelled, with hopes that Sunday will be a brighter and sunny day. On Sunday July the 5th of 2009, the day began as sunny as ever giving all present a smile of their faces but soon after the official opening of the fair " Duna un Man pa Yuda nos Muchanan" another outburst of rain, thunder and lighting broke out. The fair was not cancelled but a lot of participants left the event as soon as it started to rain.

Although mother nature affected the fair for children negatively, the committee members where deeply encouraged by positive comments coming from outside of the organization. People were giving them two thumbs up for not letting mother nature affect the activity and their joy.

Instead all members started playing with the kids in the rain and had a lot of fun!

The committee members want to thank everyone who participated at the fundraising fair. The also thank the people who supported their decisions and showed understanding towards the situation. The committee also wants to thank every JCI members who gave a helping hand during the preparation of the fundraising, and off course to all non members who stand side by side the committee members who worked late night hours to make the fundraising fair a success.

In the name of JCI Aruba Female a word of gratitude goes to everyone who helped with this project.

Thank you all!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Training Meeting Management & Parliamentary Procedure

JCI Aruba Female held a training of "Meeting Management" and "Parliamentary Procedure" for the new members and also non-members. This training was given by a JCI International Senator Dominico Werleman. The training took place at Holiday Inn Hotel, in Cadushi room where 20 people attended with a lot of enthusiasm and interest. Before the training, everyone ate their breakfast and after the training everyone present received a certificate.

JCI Aruba Female is very satisfied that the training committee has organized this important training for everyone to learn how to attend and direct a meeting professionally.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

JCI Installation

On June 14th 2009 JCI Aruba Female
had its
first installation ceremony
where four new members were
installed as jci members
They are four very Enthusiastic, Dinamic and very Outgoing
young ladies who are willing to accept new challenges
in the JCI organization
now, JCI Aruba Female has four new members!
Darlene v/d Biezen
Zuleika Boekhoudt
Ethlyn Thokaai
Loufran Tromp
The JCI Aruba female is very happy with its new members
and wish them a lot of succes and prosperity

Monday, June 8, 2009

It's a Baby Girl!

It's a Baby Girl!
Last Monday June 1st 2009 our member Gialli Rasmijn has given birth to a bueatiful daughter.
Her name is Gianella Rasmijn.
JCI Aruba Female is very happy of the proud mom of two girls!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Information Night

Yes! If you are interested in becoming a Leader of your Community..this is your chance!
On the 8th of April the JCI Aruba Female is organizing a information night for all prospect members.

Come and learn more about JCI! Our representatives will give you more information about our four areas of opportunities
1. Personal Development
2. Community involvement
3. International experience
4. Business Knowledge

The date of this information night is the 8th of April starting from 7.30 Pm till 9.30PM
Place: Seroe Blanco 47-B, Aruba

For more information contact our Extension & Retention commitee members at;

+ 297 5825629: Norma Rodrigues
+ 297 7403425: Twyma v/d Biezen

Don't Miss this great opportunity join today!

Jci Aruba